Representing decimals with models


Lesson plan No. 1

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Representing decimals with models

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson Plan Format: - 5Es Lesson Plan

Lesson objectives: At the end of the lesson, each student will be able to;

·         Represent decimal using models

·         Change fraction into decimal


Previous knowledge;

Children already know

They know what a decimal is and to represent it on a grid.

 Engagement (10 minutes)

Exchange of greetings

Attention Gaining: - Heart to heart…ready to start

I will start the lesson by getting the students moving and engaged with the topic interestingly. In order to generate interest and curiosity of all the students, I will let students to answer on the following questions as a means to check their previous knowledge. I will ask relevant questions such as;

·         What is a decimal?

·         How can you represent decimals?

In order to assess current knowledge, I will ask them to answer the following questions;

What fraction can be changed into decimal

Assessment: - I will assess their previous knowledge and current knowledge through their response. Individual participation will be also assessed. According to the answers given by those students, I will assess their learning.


Exploration (5 minutes)

Gain attention: Class! Class! Students: Yes! Yes!

Activity 1 (Pair work): - Exploring about fraction.


Teacher: You will be working in pairs with your desk partner

·         Draw a hundred and thousands grid.

·         One of you can draw a hundreds grid and other thousands grids.

·         Draw both in a different paper.

·         You will get 5 minutes to complete your work with your partner.


Is it clear? After this activity, we will discuss your findings. (Check the instructions if necessary)

Assessment: - According to the way of conducting activity, I will assess them. I will assess on their team work, cooperation and group coordination.

 Explanation (15 minutes)

Teacher: You all know what is a decimal, right?

Students: Yes, sir!

Today we are going to learn how to represent decimals with models. (Write topic on the board)


0 is whole numbers place, 1 is tenths place, 2 is hundredths place and 3 is thousandths place.


2.      0.4 means 4 out of 10, or 4 /10











= Shade 4 out of 10.


3.      Similarly, 0.004 means 4 out of 1000, or 4/1000

Show the drawing in the chart of 4 shaded parts out of 1000.


Elaboration (5minutes)

Gain Attention:

ü  Teacher: Class! Class!

ü  Students: Yes! Yes!


 Activity (Individual work)

Purpose of the activity: - Students will be able to apply the concepts after my demonstration, to answer the problems. Students will be able use models to represent the decimal questions using the concept.


Teacher: We are going to do another short activity individually.

1.      You will work individually.

2.      I will write the questions on the board.

3.      Each of you will two grid.

4.      You will get 10 minutes to complete your work.

5.      If you finish your work before the time raise your hand and I will give you another activity.

6.      After the activity you have shown your work.

 Shade each on a same grid

a.       0.234

b.      0.5

c.       0.03

2.      Shade each on a same grid

a.       0.3

b.      0.05

c.       0.201

Extended learning activity: -

List down three equivalent decimal for 0.25.

 Assessment: - According to the answers written, I will assess their learning individually.

Checking the understanding of the instructions.

I will ask one student to repeat the activity instructions. If the student is unclear, I will let other student to elaborate it. OR I will ask in between the activity instructions.

Monitoring: I will move around the class to see whether all the members are actively engaged or not. I will guide the students/group who has difficulties while discussing. I will remind the time and stop them from doing the activity when time is up.

 Evaluation (5 minutes)

Teacher: I will let few students to summarize what they have learned in today’s lesson and ask them if they have doubts on the topic. I will try to clear their doubts if needed.

Gain attention if necessary.

Teacher: Did you face any problems while solving the question?

Students: (I will listen to their views)

Teacher: Can anyone tell me what how to compare fractions with same denominator or numerator?  Students: (Expected answer)

Teacher: It seems that you have understood about today’s topic. That’s all for today


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