Social Studies Quiz (Google form)


Lesson Plan 

Subject:  Social Studies          

Topic: Longitude and latitude

Previous Knowledge: They know about the lines drawn on the map

Lesson objectives:

By the end of the lesson, each student will be able to;

·         Explain the terms longitude and latitude.

·         Write down the importance of longitude and latitude.

Lesson Introduction (5 minutes)

Students: Good morning, Sir!            Teacher: Good Morning! Please take your seat.

Teacher: How are you all?           Students: We are fine, Sir            Teacher: Good!

Gain attention:     Teacher: Class! Class        Students: yes! Yes!

Teacher: What is this? (Show them Map).

Students:  Map

Teacher: Excellent! Take your sit.     

Teacher: Well fine then. Can you guess…. what would be the topic for today’s lesson?

Teacher: Have you seen the lines drawn on the maps?       Students: yes sir.

Teacher: Do you think they are real lines?     Students: No Sir

Teacher: Yes! You are all right. They are just an imaginary line which are used to locate the places.

Teacher: Today we will learn about those lines which are drawn on the maps. “Longitude and Latitude” (write topic on the board).  

 (write topic on the board).  Lesson development (25 minutes)

Gain attention:       Teacher: Hocus. focus!     Students: Everybody focus.

Giving general instructions:

Firstly, we will be learning about longitude and latitudes. After that we will do activities on longitude and latitudes of the earth.

Checking understanding of the instructions:

I will ask few students to repeat the instructions (Ask to those students who are not listening).

Information Input:

 The imaginary line drawn on the map from east to west is called latitude. There are 90 degree in North and 90 degree in South. The lines of latitude are parallel to each other. Which is used to locate places on Earth. Some of the important lines of latitude are Equator, Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic circle. 

Likewise, an imaginary line drawn on the map from north to south is called longitude. The lines of longitude have same length but are not parallel. Which used to calculate time and locate places on Earth. There are 180 degree in the West and 180 degree in East. The important line of longitude is the 0 degree line called Greenwich Meridian or Prime Meridian. (Then further explanation with help of levelled diagram).

Lesson Closure (5 minutes):

Teacher:  I will ask some questions to see whether have understood or not and then if necessary, I will elaborate bit on their answers. After that I will summarize the lesson and end here.


Students will have to join the link to answer few of the question to check their understanding.


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